Monday, November 4, 2013

Bicycle Drawing

In the begining, i thought chosing an angle would be the most difficult part of the drawing. It did not take long to figure out that was not the case. The drawing of the bike itself was not the part that frusterated me. The part that really made me hit a wall was the shading. Now, i have always known that drawing is not my thing and I tried to go into this assignment with my head held high and a positive attitude. It worked for the drawing portion of the assignment. I felt really good about my work and I did feel like I had progressed as a drawing student. However, I soon discovered that I was not entirely correct. When shading started, I could not figure out what needed to be done. Therefore, I decided going incredibly dark with pencil and then lifting the color out was an awesome approach. Not so true. It was time consuming and my drawing turned out darker than I wanted it to be. However, I guess art class is about trying new things and experimenting with different techniques. It did teach me that in order to get the type of shading I was looking for, I should have started light and gone dark insted of the other way around. Regardless, my drawing DID come out better than I had expected and once again, I have proven to myself that I am capable of much more than I though i was.

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